The vile stunt occurred after Aubrey and half of the housemates were tasked with being ‘robots’ for this week’s shopping task – leaving them at the beck and call of the other contestants who acted as ‘humans’ in the role play.
Each robot – known collectively as The Artificials – was assigned a specific human whose needs they had to cater for, but humans at no point were allowed to lift a finger for a series of household duties.
When Bear, who was a human, asked Aubrey to make him a sandwich and a cup of tea, Aubrey took the opportunity to gob in his food before giving it to him.
It isn’t until hours later that Big Brother called Aubrey into the Diary Room to give her a stern talking to.
They said: “Your actions are wholly unacceptable and Big Brother does not tolerate unacceptable behaviour in the house.”
Aubrey later apologised to Bear, who shockingly didn’t take offence to the prank.
He said: “She spat in my tea, big deal! I’ll probably put her up for nomination every single week. I’ve had worse in my mouth!”
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