Saturday, August 6, 2016

TIME TO GET TOUGH Six out of ten Brits want return of control orders, a special Sun on Sunday poll reveals

A POLL for The Sun on Sunday has revealed six out of ten Brits want the return of control orders, which were scrapped in 2011 over civil liberties concerns.
The findings come as two jailed terror suspects, who MI5 believe plan on travelling to Syria, have won legal aid in their bid to get their passports back when they are freed.
Islamic State
I-spy … six out of ten Brits want the return of control orders, which were scrapped in 2011 over civil liberties concerns
graphic soft on terror new
graphic soft on terror new

The two men were handed thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ cash to be represented by QCs at the High Court.
Both claimed it was unlawful for their documents to be revoked. The first man arguing for the return of his passport has been convicted of a string of offences and can only be identified as XH.
The 26-year-old is a British citizen born in London.
He has a criminal record dating back to 2009 which includes offences such as theft and violence against a police officer. He is also suspected of dealing in stolen property and student loan fraud.
He claimed that the Government infringed his right to free movement.
Amina Al-Jeffery
Paying out … the two men were handed thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ cash to be represented by QCs at the High Court
ISIS Fighters
Under watch … security services have evidence one of the men intends to travel to Syria to take part in terrorist activity
And his lawyers argued that — under EU law — his passport must be returned to him when he leaves prison later this year.
But the security services have evidence he intends to travel to Syria to take part in terrorist activity.
HMP Wandsworth
Locked-up … a second man is remanded in Wandsworth HMP, South London
The second man — AI — is remanded in Wandsworth jail, South London, on a charge of failing to disclose information relating to another individual’s plans to travel to theMiddle East to join IS.
The exclusive ICM poll for The Sun on Sunday found that 72 per cent believe snooping is justified, even if it erodes civil liberties.
Control orders were used to put suspects under house arrest, restrict travel, who they meet, and stop them using the internet and smart phones.

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