Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Stepdad who raped me grinned as he walked me down the aisle

Wedding woes ... Tina with husband Martin, left, and  vile stepdad Brian

IT SHOULD have been the happiest moment of Tina Southern’s life — marrying the man of her dreams. But her smile hid unimaginable fear and sadness.

The man walking her down the aisle was the step-father who had sexually assaulted and raped her when she was a child, over the course of almost a decade.

Sick Brian Fairchild came into Tina’s life when he started dating her mum in 1973, after Tina’s parents split up.

Fairchild, then 44, seemed the ideal father figure — a fireman and a hero among the community in Barking and Corringham, Essex, where Tina grew up with her three siblings.

But his true, warped nature soon began to show — as he started a campaign of sick sexual abuse against nine-year-old Tina, plying her with sweets to buy her silence.

The frightened youngster had never been close to her mum and feared that if she told her, she would not be believed. And, in a further, astonishing betrayal, she was correct.

Almost 30 years after the abuse and 19 years after her wedding, Tina found the courage to press charges — fearing her own daughter could be Fairchild’s next target.

Tina (in white top) aged nine
Tina (in white top) aged nine
In June, Fairchild, 77, was jailed for more than 14 years after being convicted of rape and six counts of indecent assault against his stepdaughter.

Yet, shockingly, Tina’s mother chose to stand by him.

Tina recalls how, as a child she desperately wanted a loving mum who she could feel close to.
“But her priority was always Brian. I never felt close enough to tell her what was going on and I knew she wouldn’t believe me.

“I was right to think that, too, because she stood by him even after he was convicted. She still doesn’t believe it.”

Tina continued: “I’ve spent my life wanting to please my mum and one of the reasons why I didn’t say anything about the abuse was to protect her from the horrific reality.

“But when it came to it and I realised she was standing by Brian it was crushing beyond comprehension.
“When I needed her support the most, she turned her back on me.
“I feel like I’ve gone through a grieving process for my mum as I’ve completely lost her. We don’t talk
now and she is no part of my life which is so hard to take on board.”
Moving on ... Tina now
Moving on ... Tina now Olivia West
Tina, of Tilbury, Essex, has courageously waived her anonymity to speak out about her horrific ordeal.
Now 50, the mum-of-three says: “That monster destroyed my life but now he’s where he belongs I can start living.

“I still shudder when I recall him smiling and squeezing my waist tightly, as he posed for photos with me on my wedding day.

“He acted like he was the groom, and even muscled his way into my first dance. He repulsed me.”
Tina was an innocent eight-year-old when her mum first introduced Brian to her and her older brother, 42 years ago, after her parents split up.

She says: “He was a fireman and well known in the area. Everyone liked him.

“Mum explained he was going to live with us.”

Initially it was great to have Brian around. But things soon changed after Tina turned nine.

Tearfully, she recalls: “One day he saw me doing some homework. That’s when he got me to touch him for the first time.”

Tina did as Fairchild said. In her confused innocence she thought it was a form of punishment.

She says: “Another time I was sitting on the sofa and Brian told me that before I could watch my favourite programme, I had to do something for him.

“He then made me touch him down below, whispering to me to keep it secret.”

Evil Fairchild began living out his depraved fantasies with increasing regularity. He would enter Tina’s bedroom to make her touch him, and to grope her.
Sick ... Brian Fairchild was finally convicted
Sick ... Brian Fairchild was finally convicted
Tina says: “I didn’t understand, but I hated it and I’d sing nursery rhymes to myself to try to block it out.
“I thought it was my fault and I grew up terrified.”

But worse was to come. When Tina was 12, she was at home having lunch, when Fairchild stormed into
the house and, without warning, climbed on top of her and raped her.

She says: “I was in agony and too terrified to scream out. I ran to the park, crying, my mind spinning.

“I was too frightened to tell anyone. I knew that if I did, I’d be taken into care or nobody would believe me.”

When Tina was 14, to her horror, her unsuspecting mum married Fairchild. Afterwards he officially adopted Tina. Yet the abuse continued.

At 19, Tina met sales rep Martin Southern, then 22.

She says: “He was wonderful — kind, easy going, and he made me feel safe.”

At first Tina kept the abuse she’d endured secret, while having counselling at the South Essex Rape and Incest Crisis Centre. But when Martin proposed a few years later, she knew it was time to tell him.

Tina says: “Martin was shocked and he just hugged me.

“He didn’t want him at our wedding but if I banned him from it, it would have meant telling people about the abuse and I just couldn’t cope with that.”

Support ... Tina's daughter gave her courage
Support ... Tina's daughter gave her courage
On her big day — September 25, 1993 — Tina was sick to her stomach to watch Fairchild play the role of loving stepdad.

She says: “I was seething with hate but hid behind a smile.”

In time Tina and Martin, now 53, had a daughter, now 18, then twin boys, now 11. Their marriage didn’t last but they stayed good friends.

Tina continues: “Despite not having much of a relationship with my mum, she would try and visit with Brian to see their grandchildren.

“I never left them alone in Brian’s company but my daughter, then 13, mentioned that her hug goodbye from Brian felt odd but nothing untoward happened.

“She asked me if he had ever done anything strange to me.

“I didn’t believe in lying to my kids. Quietly I told her the truth.”

After gaining strength through the support of her daughter, in March 2012, Tina finally contacted the police. A year later, Brian was arrested and bailed while police investigated.

Tina says: “My mum stood by Brian throughout, which was tough to deal with.

“But things got worse when the CPS decided to take no further action due to lack of evidence. I broke down in tears of disbelief.”

Tina put in an appeal to the CPS’s Victims’ Right to Review scheme.

Fairchild was rearrested in May 2014 and charged with one count of rape and six counts of indecent assault.

But at Southend Crown Court in November 2014, the trial resulted in a hung jury. Tina was devastated.

A retrial was agreed and, in April this year, Fairchild was finally convicted at Basildon Crown Court.
He was sentenced to a total of 14 years and six months and made subject of a sexual harm prevention

Tina says: “After years of torture, Brian has been unmasked and he’s behind bars where he belongs.”

Additional reporting: FIONA LOCKE

Justice can heal

SUN Agony Aunt DEIDRE SANDERS, says: “Tina’s brave fight to see her abusive stepfather face justice shows it’s never too late to find healing and protect other potential victims.
“It’s too easy to forget how difficult it was three or four decades ago for a child to speak up about abuse in the home. Thank goodness for greater openness now.

“It is especially devastating for children – even adult ones like Tina – when a parent chooses to stand by their abusive partner rather than their suffering child. But seeing justice done does help healing.
“Survivors of abuse can find support through the National Association for People Abused in Childhood, napac.org.uk. Email problems@deardeidre.org for my leaflet Abused As A Child.”

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