Wednesday, October 14, 2015

We’re proud of our mastectomy scars

Brave ... (from left to right) breast cancer fighters Carole, Lynn, Fran, Kim, Tracy, Sarah, Gilly and Jo

THESE women wear the scars across their chests with pride.

It shows the world they are fighters taking on breast cancer.

To mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month, they agreed to be appear topless. Our inspiring eight are also baring their chests in support of Twitter’s Show Your Scar campaign for breast cancer.

Smiles better ... BBC journalist Victoria Derbyshire after op
Smiles better ... BBC journalist Victoria Derbyshire after op Victoria Derbyshire/Facebook/PA Wire
It began in response to M&S’s #showyourstrap campaign, which critics branded insensitive to women who’d had mastectomies and could not wear bras. The campaign encouraged them to post snaps of their scars instead.

Now BBC journalist Victoria Derbyshire has released an online video diary filmed at her hospital bed hours after her operation.

“Having a mastectomy is totally do-able,” she says. “I didn’t know that until I got cancer and that’s what I want to tell people.”

Here, CHRISTINA EARLE hears from eight ladies why women like them should not be ashamed to show off their bodies.

‘Tattoo on scar is empowering’

Carole Bishop, 50
Carole Bishop, 50 STEWART WILLIAMS
A ROUTINE mammogram alerted mum-of-three Carole, from York, to a tumour. She says:

“My mother died from breast cancer so I was entered into the family screening programme, aged 40. I’d found a hard lump in my left side just before a mammogram. The results came back clear but I felt the diagnosis wasn’t right.

“So I asked to have more tests – the lump was cancerous and had spread to my lymph nodes.

“I asked for a mastectomy. Without it, I’d always be worried the cancer would come back. I also needed chemo and radiotherapy.

I didn’t want to look at my scars after the op because I am quite squeamish. But when the wound healed, my chest was neat and tidy.

“Losing my boobs was a very sad moment but it hasn’t defined me.

“I got a tattoo in Hebrew of my children’s names over my scar. I am happy to show my tattoo and scars today.

‘It left me lopsided’

Lynn Ware, 62
LYNN, from Exeter, had a mastectomy last year after a mammogram detected cancer. She says:
“All women need to go for their mammograms. Without one, my future could have looked very different.
“I had no idea I had cancer in my milk ducts. Doctors suggested I had one breast removed instead of chemo, but I hated being lopsided.
“I was so relieved when I was told I could have the healthy one removed too.
“Now I think my chest looks normal. I am so pleased I have had both breasts removed.
“And I have no problem showing my scars.”

‘Gene fear for kids’

Fran Haworth, 44
MUM-of-three Fran, from Tooting, SW London, needed a double mastectomy and hysterectomy but survived breast cancer. She says:
“I am BRCA positive, meaning I have a mutation that makes breast and ovarian cancer more likely. I spotted the lump in the bath and it was best for me to have my breasts and uterus removed. I am pleased to have got rid of my killer boobs and killer womb – now I just hope my kids haven’t inherited the mutation.
“My thoughts on my scars are, if you don’t like them, don’t look! It’s wonderful to show them off to the world and raise awareness of breast cancer.”

‘My scar means I’m alive’

Kim Smith, 36
KIM had her right boob reconstructed after finding out she had breast cancer in 2013. The mum of three and part–time finance worker, from Tarporley, Cheshire, says:
“Before I was diagnosed with cancer, I found a cyst in my left breast.
“I later found a lump in my right breast and thought that this would be the same but got it checked out as a precaution. My GP then referred me for further tests which revealed I had five cancerous lumps in my right boob. It was hard to take in the news at first.
“I was told that I would need a mastectomy and chemotherapy treatment which came as a shock.
“However, I knew that I just had to concentrate on getting myself better for the sake of my kids (Amelia, seven, Isla, five, and Georgia, four). Going through the chemotherapy made me really sick but I managed to get through it all with the support of my husband, Hamilton.
“The scar is a reminder that I’m still here and I’ve made it through.
“The treatment was hard but I am pleased I checked my breasts and caught it in time. My story highlights the importance of checking.”

‘I don’t miss them’

Tracy Lyons, 54
Tracy Lyons, 54
TRACY was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy five years ago. The mum of five, from Northampton, chose not to have a reconstruction. She says:
“I had a fall at work and, at the same time, noticed a swelling in my boob.
“My doctor didn’t think it was a problem in the first instance but it didn’t go away.
“I was referred for further tests, which revealed I had cancer. I was told it’d be best to have a double mastectomy, followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
“Everything happened so quickly I just didn’t have much time to get my head round it.
“But I knew one thing for certain – I didn’t feel like I needed to have my breasts reconstructed. I have had five boys and my boobs have done their duty feeding them.
“I didn’t need them any more and I felt like the NHS would be better off spending the money on someone who was in need.
“My scars reveal my breast cancer journey and show how far I’ve come.
“I can honestly say I don’t miss my boobs.”

‘I still feel feminine since op’

Sarah Dow, 54
STRATEGIST Sarah, from Westbury, Wiltshire, has battled breast cancer three times. She says:
“I was 17 when I got Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Chemo saved my life. Then at 37 I found a lump in my left armpit. It was breast cancer. I knew I could beat it again – and I did.
“In 2011 I found a lump in my left breast. I knew straightaway I had cancer. Surgeons agreed a mastectomy was a good option. I didn’t want a reconstruction because I wanted to feel my chest easily for lumps and bumps. Eight months after the op, I found a lump on the scar. Tests confirmed that it was cancerous and I needed more chemo.
“I still feel feminine without my breasts. I’ve been more worried about my thinning eyelashes than the scars on my chest.”

‘Killers’ had to go

Gilly Cant, 48
THE dog walker, from Battle, East Sussex, founded the online support group Flat Friends after she underwent a mastectomy. Gilly says:
“I was diagnosed with cancer after my right boob got a bit bigger. I never actually found a lump.
“They were killer boobs and I wanted them both gone.
“The surgeon would only remove one. I still needed chemo and tablets to help me beat the cancer.
But when the cancer appeared to have gone, I then asked to have my other boob removed, so that I was symmetrical again.
“I didn’t feel the need to have my boobs reconstructed and I firmly believe that women should be given a choice. It’s just more painful surgery. I don’t miss my boobs.”

‘Affects young, too’

Jo Turner, 27
JO is having chemo after her left breast was removed. She had triple negative breast cancer. The mum of one, from Scunthorpe, says:
“I thought that the lump was to do with my hormones.
“It was only as I watched Stand Up To Cancer on TV that I realised the growth might be cancerous.
“I had five ops to remove the cancer, but I lost the whole boob this year.
“Now I’m not thinking of reconstruction. I just want to get better for my two-year-old daughter.
“In the meantime, I am proud to show off my scars to remind young women that it can happen to you too.
“People think that breast cancer is an older ladies’ problem. It isn’t.”

‘Brave women an inspiration’

'It's great they're revealing all' ... Dr Emma Pennery
'It's great they're revealing all' ... Dr Emma Pennery
FOR some women, the effect of breast cancer on body image can be devastating, writes Dr EMMA PENNERY, clinical director at Breast Cancer Care.
“It’s great that these women are demystifying what breast cancer can do.
“Too many women lose confidence in their appearance and there are many reasons for this.
“Chemotherapy can cause hair loss or thinning hair on the head and face.
“Women can be left with one breast bigger than the other, or lop-sided breasts. There are, of course, women left with no breasts after surgery, or with different breasts.
“For many women, it is an onslaught to their femininity.
“Side effects from long-term treatments can cause them to have symptoms that mimic the menopause.
“And that is something that could affect their sexual relations.
“It’s great these women are revealing all and doing so with a smile.
“Hopefully it will boost the confidence of those going through treatments.”

How to check

MOST cases of breast cancer are found by women noticing unusual changes and taking the initiative to visit their doctor, says ELUNED HUGHES, of charity Breast Cancer Now.
Eluned Hughes
Eluned Hughes
The earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chance of beating it – so it’s vital to make checks which are as simple as T-L-C.

TOUCH . . .

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Your breasts. Can you feel anything unusual?

LOOK . . .

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For changes. Is there any change in shape or texture?

CHECK . . .

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Anything unusual with your doctor. No one knows your body better than you and everyone will have their own way of touching and looking for changes – there’s no special technique and you don’t need any training. It’s good to get into the habit of doing this regularly – maybe when you are in the bath or shower, or getting dressed in the morning.
Changes to check for:

TOUCH . . .

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Can you feel a lump, either in the breast, upper chest or armpits? Is there a lumpy area? Or unusual thickening of the breast tissue that does not go away? Is there any unusual pain? Either in part of the breast or the armpit.

LOOK . . .

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Is there any change in size or shape? For example, one breast might become larger or lower than the other. Any change in skin texture? Such as puckering or dimpling of the skin of the breast. Any change in colour? For example, the breast may look red or inflamed. What about the appearance or direction of the nipple? For example, one might become inverted (turned in) when it normally points out. Is there any unusual discharge? One or both nipples might have a discharge. Any rash or crusting? Of the nipple or surrounding area.

CHECK . . .

Is there anything unusual? If so, get it checked out by your doctor as soon as possible.

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