Monday, October 19, 2015

HMP Fight Club

WO young lags square up for a bare knuckle boxing bout in a prison cell Fight Club to win tobacco.

A third prisoner acts as the referee in the two-minute film while the fighters are egged on by other convicts.

The footage from HMP Rochester, in Kent, is the latest display of worrying behaviour taking place in our jails uncovered by The Sun.

The organised brawl follows a rap video filmed in Birmingham, footage of a mass party in a cell at Wandsworth, South London and drug-taking at The Mount, Herts.

Knuckling down . . . Dylan is rocked back
Knuckling down . . . Dylan is rocked back
Filmed on an illicit mobile phone, the clip of the bare-knuckle fight has been shared via WhatsApp among prisoners and pals outside.

Spectators were allowed in the large cell to watch if they paid an entry fee in rolling tobacco.

The clip starts with the referee asking: “You videoing now?” It is followed by a spectator shouting:
“Let’s go. Ding ding ding. Round One.”

The referee prevents grabbing and illegal moves in the punch-up between inmates Kel and Dylan.

The pair, thought to be in their early 20s, trade punches until Dylan sits down and says: “I feel f***ed.”
Jailhouse knock . . . Kel hits as ref looks on
Jailhouse knock . . . Kel hits as ref looks on
Shirtless winner Kel gets to keep the tobacco and is told: “All the spliffs are there for you.”

A source said: “This is entertainment HMP style. The whole thing is pretty shocking. Only a select few were allowed to watch, but a follow-up fight is being organised.”

All three prisoners in the clip have since been moved into segregation pending an investigation.
Prisons Minister Andrew Selous said: “This is totally unacceptable.

“We have a zero tolerance approach to violence and the possession of mobile phones and will take strong action.”

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