Monday, October 19, 2015

GP spanked her 50 Shades lover so hard he had to call an ambulance

Fifty Shades Of Grey

A COUPLE’S whirlwind romance turned tempestuous after a doctor was accused of taking Fifty Shades-inspired sex games too far.

NHS GP, Elvira Blakemore, spanked her millionaire lover so hard that he dialled 999 and needed hospital treatment.

The pair had met online, got engaged on their 5th date, and quickly went on to have twin sons.

Multi-millionaire James Austin, 57, described his relationship with the GP, arguing that it deteriorated after Blakemore's violent outbursts.

Despite this, the 41-year-old was cleared by the jury of assault after just 15 minutes of deliberation at Croydon Crown Court after they were convinced Austin consented to the activities.

They heard details of how police were called to the scene where Austin was left in agony after Blakemore’s domination.

An officer was met by Austin, who told him: “I asked her to stop, but she didn’t. She had a look of hate in her eyes, but I love her.”

He claims that he was "more or less asleep when she entered the room raging" and hit him so hard with a bamboo cane that it snapped and left him unconscious.

Blakemore then allegedly soothed Austin’s bleeding body by pouring some wine on his back and claiming “alcohol is good for the wounds”.

The jury were unsympathetic towards Austin’s injuries, as they were presented with evidence that the couple had a shared interest in S&M, often carrying out fantasies together.

Fifty Shades Of Grey
The couple were allegedly inspired by Dakota Johson and Jamie Dornan's performance in Fifty Shades of Grey AP / Universal Pictures
As Blakemore was caning Austin, she alleges that he was urging her to "go on, baby".

The GP claimed that her lover enjoyed “the contrast between painful stimulation and touching the body” and that he was “making noises like he was enjoying it”.

The jury were presented with evidence that Austin bought his fiancé a £500 Ann Summer’s gift voucher for Christmas and signed the note from "Personal spanker to naughty Dr Elvira".

Since the court case, the tycoon claims that he has become a "laughing stock".

The couple have now split and Blakemore has moved to Essex

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