Saturday, October 17, 2015

Aliens built Death Star In 500AD

Out-there theory ... Death Star
A DEATH Star-style space station may be blocking light from a nearby sun, a scientist has claimed.

And as the star is 1,480 light years away, it would mean aliens built the structure in 500AD.

Studies of data from the Nasa Kepler telescope show light from the sun KIC 8462852 keeps getting brighter before dimming by up to 22 per cent.

Astronomer Jason Wright, of Penn State University, Pennsylvania, said it may indicate aliens harnessing solar energy with a Star Wars-like station.

He added: “This looked like something you would expect an alien civilisation to build.”

Yale scientist Tabetha Boyajian, who led the study, conceded that the dimming may be caused by huge dust clouds.

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