Wednesday, September 30, 2015

One in four would dump their partners to go on holiday

A STUDY has found that one in four Brits would ditch their partners for a free holiday.

An online travel agency polled 1,472 people, all of whom were in a relationship of more than three years, about what they’d give up for a free luxury round-the-world trip.

An astounding 26 per cent said they’d be willing to dump their partners for the prize. And 51 per cent said they’d leave their dream job.

A huge 38 per cent were willing to give up sex forever – compared to the lowly 16 per cent who would permanently unplug from the web.

Just nine per cent were up for losing a kidney, but 23 per cent said they’d sleep on the streets for a week.

Touchingly, only five per cent said they’d sacrifice their closest friendship for the trip.

Chris Clarkson, Managing Director of, who ran the poll, said: “Let's be honest, it would be the trip of a lifetime; but I can't believe as many as a quarter would be willing to walk out on a long term relationship for it!

"Either there's trouble in paradise there, or those people really are just a touch heartless."

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