Wednesday, September 30, 2015

4:21 PM

Teen footie ace suffers heart attacks on hol

A PROMISING footballer is fighting for his life after suffering a series of heart attacks when he jumped into a swimming pool.
Jordan Burndred, 17, was seen clutching his chest moments after leaping into the water at a Turkish hotel.
The teenager, from Staffordshire, who plays for Leek Town under 18s, was able to reach the side of the pool but suffered further cardiac arrests and had to be resuscitated.
He is now on a life-support machine at a Marmaris hospital surrounded by his family.
Jordan  is a promising footballer
Jordan is a promising footballer
His mum Nicola posted on Facebook: “Thank you so much to all back home for all your support. I just wish this nightmare would be over.
“He is still sedated and won’t wake himself until they stop this, but their advice is to keep him like this to give his heart a better chance of fighting.
“My son is a fighter but all your well wishes and prayers have kept us going.
“The staff at the hospital have been awesome and worked around the clock to get Jordan to the point he is at now. He’s in the best place right now until he is strong enough to get him home.”
With mum Nicola
With mum Nicola Newsteam
Jordan was on holiday with his mum Nicola Everill, stepdad Danny Everill, sisters Jasmin, 19, and Daisy, three, as well as his uncle and grandparents.
A fundraising page set up to assist the family’s accommodation costs has so far raised £5,000.

4:13 PM

Mum throws newborn baby from 7th-floor window - with umbilical cord still attached

A WOMAN has thrown her newborn baby out of a 7th-floor window - with the umbilical cord still attached.
Jennifer Berry allegedly hid her pregnancy from her boyfriend, gave birth to the baby girl in his flat and then tossed her daughter out of the window - where she fell to her death.
Sources say the new mum initially claimed her girl had been stillborn - but an autopsy has revealed the baby died of blunt force injuries, meaning she had been born alive.
Jennifer Berry
Jennifer Berry is facing murder and manslaughter charges New York Times / Redux / eyevine
Cops have since arrested Berry, 33, on murder and manslaughter charges.
Police officers said they found the tragic infant with her umbilical cord still attached in the courtyard of a Bronx apartment building in New York on Monday afternoon.
They had responded to the building after receiving an emergency call that a child had fallen from a window.
Berry's boyfriend told police he was in another room when the baby was born and when the baby plunged from the window. He told investigators he didn't realise either event had occurred and had no idea his girlfriend was pregnant, officials said.
Bronx apartment
Newborn girl was thrown from this window in a New York apartment New York Times / Redux / eyevine
It was unclear how much time elapsed between the baby's birth and her fall from the window, they said.
A resident in the apartment building, Fonzi Vucinaj, said his mother had found the baby on the courtyard's cement floor.
He said: "To be honest, I've never seen something so unhuman like that; I don't know what kind of mother would do that."
Another neighbour added: "We're all in shock. My heart is broken for that baby girl."

4:11 PM

Mum throws newborn baby from 7th-floor window - with umbilical cord still attached

A WOMAN has thrown her newborn baby out of a 7th-floor window - with the umbilical cord still attached.
Jennifer Berry allegedly hid her pregnancy from her boyfriend, gave birth to the baby girl in his flat and then tossed her daughter out of the window - where she fell to her death.
Sources say the new mum initially claimed her girl had been stillborn - but an autopsy has revealed the baby died of blunt force injuries, meaning she had been born alive.
Jennifer Berry
Jennifer Berry is facing murder and manslaughter charges New York Times / Redux / eyevine
Cops have since arrested Berry, 33, on murder and manslaughter charges.
Police officers said they found the tragic infant with her umbilical cord still attached in the courtyard of a Bronx apartment building in New York on Monday afternoon.
They had responded to the building after receiving an emergency call that a child had fallen from a window.
Berry's boyfriend told police he was in another room when the baby was born and when the baby plunged from the window. He told investigators he didn't realise either event had occurred and had no idea his girlfriend was pregnant, officials said.
Bronx apartment
Newborn girl was thrown from this window in a New York apartment New York Times / Redux / eyevine
It was unclear how much time elapsed between the baby's birth and her fall from the window, they said.
A resident in the apartment building, Fonzi Vucinaj, said his mother had found the baby on the courtyard's cement floor.
He said: "To be honest, I've never seen something so unhuman like that; I don't know what kind of mother would do that."
Another neighbour added: "We're all in shock. My heart is broken for that baby girl."

4:00 PM

Manchester woman beaten and raped for 13 years - for not having sons

A WOMAN has told how she was subjected to 13 years of violence at the hands of her own husband – who raped her and beat her with a cable.
The woman, who is in her 30s and lives in the Manchester area, was forced into marriage when she was just 16 and her new husband was 23.
At 17 she fell pregnant and went on to have four daughters – which angered her husband as he wanted boys.
The girls were not allowed to play outside or even allowed to laugh.
Despite the abuse, charges against the woman's husband were dropped – something the police said was not uncommon.
Speaking for the first time, the woman - known only as Sajida to protect her anonymity - said: "We couldn't breathe or think properly when he was around.
“The girls weren't allowed to laugh or giggle, they weren't allowed to play in the front garden in case boys looked at them.
Forced Marriage Cops
Sajida was attacked for having daughters not sons PA/Channel 4
"I wasn't allowed a social life. I was isolated from all my family and friends. I survived only because of my girls."
Sajida said she was only 10 years old when she heard rumours she was going to be married to her 16-year-old cousin in Pakistan, where her parents are from.
She said: "Cousins started telling me but I thought it was banter, a bit of a joke. I'd never met him or seen a photo so I just dismissed it."
But the rumours persisted and when Sajida was just 16 and in the middle of her GCSEs, her dad told her they were flying to Pakistan to visit family.
She said: “My parents never said anything directly to me.
“I was in the middle of my GCSEs and I couldn't believe it. I thought, 'No way am I getting married, they just want to take me for a holiday.'
"I really liked History and English and I'd done work experience at a local nursery school. I was looking forward to getting a career."
Sajida flew to Pakistan in 1996 – and was quickly told she was there to marry her cousin. She began to panic.
Domestic violence
Sajida faced years of torment at the hands of her brutal husband PA/Channel 4
"Everybody was busy organising the wedding. I'd never met any of these people. I thought, 'Oh God, this is going ahead,'" she said.
"I was told, 'If you don't do it, you'll bring shame on the family.' I was also told that I could go back to my studies if I listened to them."
She describes her wedding day – when she first met her husband – as devastating, saying she "cried the whole day" while he remained emotionless.
She knew nothing about sex, but was to lose her virginity that night.
She said: "That night, after he'd done what he wanted to do, he left me on my own and went out somewhere. He didn't say where. I was left alone, crying and scared, wondering what had just happened."
Forced marriage has been illegal in the UK since 2014, but thousands of woman and girls just like Sajida, fall victim each year.
Jasvinder Sanghera, from the forced marriage victim support charity, Karma Nirvana, says that 8,000 are threatened each year.
Police raid
Cops raid a house in the Manchester area PA/Channel 4
There was certainly no fairytale ending for Sajida - just a spiral of worsening abuse.
She spent three months in Pakistan and was continually forced to have sex. She came home alone and her husband joined her three months later.
From there, she was dragged deeper and deeper into a cycle of brutal abuse.
"He raped me, there was a lot of mental torture, there was a lot of physical violence," she said.
"I had a knife held to me. Then he got this cable wire and he beat me up and I had scars all over my leg and my back.
"He tried to gas me with the cooker and tried to poison me."
After her husband beat her whilst she was pregnant with her fourth child, she finally found the courage to dial 999.
Forced Marriage Cops
Forced Marriage Cops in on Channel 4 tonight PA/Channel 4
Her husband was charged but Sajida was persuaded to drop the charges by family who used emotional blackmail.
"There was a lot of pressure from family members who said, 'Stick by him. What will the community think?'
But defiant, she found the strength to call the police again two years later, after her husband threatened their children, who are now aged between 11 and 18.
"He used to say he was going to sell them off, he was going to marry them off as a lesson for getting him arrested," she said. "I didn't want my girls to suffer for the rest of their lives."
Sajida, who has since returned to her studies and wants to become a nurse, took out injunctions against her husband, and the only time she has seen him since the split was in court to renew injunctions and fight her ex-husband's claim for custody of the children.
But Sajida is adamant their dad’s evil influence will never affect her precious kids. She says: "I will never let anything like this happen to my girls."
3:59 PM

Bride sends £50 bill to woman after she didn’t turn up at wedding reception

A WOMAN was sent a £50 bill for not turning up at a friend’s wedding.

Stunned Jessica Baker received the bill to cover costs for her and her husband’s food when they had to cancel at the last minute.

Jessica's mum had called to say she could no longer babysit her kids while they were at the wedding, so she was forced to cancel.

A few weeks later a bill for $75 dollars came through the post charging her for two herb-crusted walleye fish.

Jessica, from Minnesota, told KARE 11 news in the States: “You’ve got to be kidding me.

“It listed, we would have had two herb crusted walleye and there was also a service and tax charge.”

The bill also came with a note that read: “This cost reflects the amount paid by the bride and groom for meals that were RSVP'd for, reimbursement and explanation for no show, card, call or text would be appreciated.”

Jessica doesn’t plan to pay the bill.

3:57 PM

Katherine Jenkins gives birth to a baby girl

OPERA star Katherine Jenkins has become a mum after giving birth to a baby girl.
The soprano, 35, announced today that she and film-maker husband Andrew Levitas have called their daughter Aaliyah Reign Levitas.
She posted on Instagram: “Introducing our daughter Aaliyah Reign Levitas, who came loudly into the world weighing almost 7lbs and surrounded by love.
“We are absolutely besotted with her & grateful for the beautiful blessing of this happy, healthy, little miracle. Cwtches all round.”
Katherine Jenkins and husband Andrew Levitas wed last September
Katherine Jenkins and husband Andrew Levitas wed last September PA Wire
A source close to the rugby-fan star added “For Katherine it is a double celebration this week with Wales also beating England at Twickenham.”
Katherine’s husband also spoke of his joy and added on his own wall: “Introducing our daughter Aaliyah Reign Levitas, who came loudly into the world weighing almost 7lbs and surrounded by love.
“We are absolutely besotted with her & grateful for the beautiful blessing of this happy, healthy, little miracle. Mummy is recovering well and Daddy couldn’t be prouder of his two gorgeous princesses. Cwtches all round.”
Katherine showed off her baby bump this summer at  Wimbledon
Katherine showed off her baby bump this summer at Wimbledon Paul Edwards
It is the first child for the couple who married at Hampton Court Palace last September following a whirlwind seven month romance.
Katherine announced in mid-April this year that she was expecting a little girl.
Alongside a picture of a pair of pink baby shoes she wrote on her Instagram account: “Couldn’t be more excited to meet our little girl!”
Earlier this year she described her pregnancy as an “incredibly exciting time”.

3:56 PM

One in four would dump their partners to go on holiday

A STUDY has found that one in four Brits would ditch their partners for a free holiday.

An online travel agency polled 1,472 people, all of whom were in a relationship of more than three years, about what they’d give up for a free luxury round-the-world trip.

An astounding 26 per cent said they’d be willing to dump their partners for the prize. And 51 per cent said they’d leave their dream job.

A huge 38 per cent were willing to give up sex forever – compared to the lowly 16 per cent who would permanently unplug from the web.

Just nine per cent were up for losing a kidney, but 23 per cent said they’d sleep on the streets for a week.

Touchingly, only five per cent said they’d sacrifice their closest friendship for the trip.

Chris Clarkson, Managing Director of, who ran the poll, said: “Let's be honest, it would be the trip of a lifetime; but I can't believe as many as a quarter would be willing to walk out on a long term relationship for it!

"Either there's trouble in paradise there, or those people really are just a touch heartless."
3:54 PM

Dad warns snatchers: We will find you Hunt for two men who tried to grab young son off the street

THE dad of a six-year-old boy grabbed by child snatchers has warned the men responsible: “We will catch you.”

The youngster managed to wriggle free and run home after he was targeted while playing with his eight-year-old brother and another boy, also six.

One of the men tried to drag him off the street while an accomplice opened the back doors of a dirty white van.

The victim and his brother screamed as he broke free from the kidnapper’s grasp and fled.

Their dad put a post on Facebook alerting other parents, which has been shared 21,000 times.

He said: “With the police and through the power of social media we will catch you.”

The dad told his local paper both sons have been “a bit quiet” since it happened and hailed the eight-year-old a “hero”.

He said: “He screamed for his brother. He pretty much saved him because the guy then let go of him and ran away.”

Police have stepped up patrols on the Briar Road Estate in Harold Hill, Essex, since the attempted abduction on Harebell Way on Saturday afternoon.

Detectives appealed for information on the two suspects, who are both in their 30s.

The first man is described as white, bald with short facial stubble. He was wearing a black T-shirt and black trousers.

The second man is described as white with brown hair. He was wearing a blue T-shirt.

A man was arrested on Sunday in connection with the incident but was released without charge.

Det Chief Insp Denise Johnson said: “High visibility patrols have been increased in the area to provide reassurance to the local community.

“I would always ask parents to remind children about the importance of not talking to or going with strangers.”
3:51 PM

'Still with you mum and dad...' Parents find goodbye note from their 6-year-old after he dies in hospital

A MUM and dad returned home after their son died in hospital to find a heartbreaking note he had written on the living room table.
Little Leland Shoemake fell ill with a rare brain infection a month ago and was admitted to hospital two weeks ago.
Sadly, he passed away at the end of last week.
Mum Amber and dad Tim stayed at his bedside throughout sat with him as he slipped away.
Leland Shoemake
Leland in hospital Facebook
When they returned home at the weekend to collect clothes for him to be buried in they discovered the six-year-old had written a note before going into hospital and left it on the living room table.
It read: “Still with you. Thank you mom & dad.”
Leland Shoemake
Leland in happier times Facebook
He also drew a red heart with the words ‘mom, dad’ and ‘love’ inside it.
Amber, from Georgia, posted to her Facebook page in a heartfelt message that read: “'When Tim and I came home for the first time to get him clothes to be buried in, this is the note we found from him on the table in the living room.
'We have no idea when he wrote it but you can tell he was always a special child.
'We will love you forever Leland. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!'
Leland Shoemake
Leland getting a hug from his little brother in hospital GoFundMe
The brain infection Leland contracted is called balamuthia mandrillaris, which Amber believes may have been contracted from playing outside.
She added in her post: “'The one thing he loved most was playing in the dirt.
"I never imagined that would be the thing that would take him from me.
The moving Facebook post
"He was my world. He made me a mother. We struggled so hard to have him. He was a preemie baby but came out screaming and healthy."
The grieving mom added: "No one should ever have to bury a child. I always said I hope it's me that goes first (because) I don't think I'm strong enough to handle something like this.
"It still doesn't seem real to me.”
Amber and Dan set up a Go Fund Me page to help pay for the costs of the funeral, which took place on Monday.

3:48 PM

Vanished_ Family left with nothing after white van removal men stole possessions

A YOUNG family has been left with virtually nothing after a dodgy “man with a van” from a Facebook page drove off with £10,000 of their belongings.
Becky Szenk, 22, and fiancé Mark Higgins, 28, had booked a removal firm to move possessions from their flat to a nearby apartment above the pub they manage.
But after two removal men from the firm, named Lee Green, arrived in a van to pack up the family’s property the Facebook page was taken down and the men have not been heard of since.
Among the items taken last Friday from the flat in Walsall, West Midlands, were a fridge freezer, a washing machine, furniture and clothing along with all of the family’s photographs and Becky’s engagement ring.
The family have been left devastated
The family have been left devastated Caters News Agency
After they finished loading the van the men, who were described as courteous and polite and spoke with Black Country accents, vanished without a trace.
Now the only possession left is the family’s TV, which they took with them in their car to prevent it being damaged in the move.
Devastated Becky said: “The removal men were racing in and out of the flat.
“We just thought they were being very professional. But once they drove away we didn’t see them again.
“The only thing that didn’t go was the television, and that’s only because we moved that ourselves in the car as we were worried about it getting damaged.
“Everything we own was packed into that van. It all happened so quickly, around 45 minutes from start to finish.
“They were supposed to meet my partner at the pub but never turned up. We have been left with virtually nothing.”
Becky with no goods in her kitchen
Becky with no goods in her kitchen Caters News Agency
Mum Becky and Mark, who have a seven-month-old baby Ariyah together, have invested all of their money into the pub the Horse and Jockey.
When Mark called Becky an hour after the removal men left to say there was no sign of their possessions, the couple realised something was wrong.
Becky said: “The men had told me in advance to pack all of our belongings into boxes and label them up clearly.
“I didn’t realise at the time, but they took the most valuable items first.
“When I commented on how fast they were completing their work, one of them told me, ‘we have a lot of jobs on today’.
“I have never cried more in my life than I did on Friday afternoon. I am so distraught that they have taken my engagement ring and my baby’s toys.”

Have you had a Facebook incident like this? Contact our news desk on or call 0207 782 4104

The family have had to rely on the kindness of strangers to get back on their feet.
Becky added: “We were in our new home on Friday night, but it wasn’t a home, it was four walls. We didn’t even have a blanket to sleep under.
“Some people have come forward recently to provide us with essentials, but we still don’t have everything.
“I have to put my daughter first and it is important that she is looked after before Mark and I have what we need to live.
“It’s left us absolutely heartbroken. We can get new furniture but the personal stuff cannot be replaced.
“For us it’s been a big lesson to learn. I just hope others can be more careful about trusting people they book over social media as I would hate for this to happen to anyone else.”
Becky contacted removal men via Facebook
Becky contacted removal men via Facebook Alamy
Cops confirmed they are investigating and treating the crime as theft.
West Midlands Police spokeswoman Gina Lycett, said: “Police are investigating a theft after a family from Bilston hired a ‘man with a van’ to help them move house, advertised on a social networking site.
“A van was loaded with the family’s belongings from Mount Pleasant in Bilston on September 25. The van never arrived at their new home in Walsall.
“Detectives continue to investigate the theft and are appealing to anyone with information to call West Midlands Police on 101.”

3:46 PM

Shameless star Tina Malone shows off the skin she had removed in £50,000 surgery

TV STAR Tina Malone has shown off the incredible photos she took before having surgery to remove excess skin she branded “vile”.
The ex-Shameless and Brookside star clutches the loose folds of skin she has had removed as part of a £50,000 blowout on surgery.
The star, who played Mimi Maguire on Shameless, was unhappy when she was left with nearly A STONE of spare skin after losing 11 stone.
Tina shows off her bod
Discovery Communications.
She made the amazing weight loss after having a gastric band fitted five years ago and slimming down to 8st 2lb.
The actress reveals every step of her incredible transformation in a new show called Tina Malone: My New Body on TLC tomorrow night.
In the show, before she has the surgery Tina, 52, says: “It’s such a shame to have lost all the weight, and then to be left with all this excess skin.
“I’ve looked like a piece of ugly s**t for 18 years. I’m prepared to risk everything to get the body I’ve never had.
Her excess tummy skin
Her excess tummy skin Discovery Communications.
“My boobs are like golf balls in socks. I’d take off if I flap my arms; they are like bat wings.
“The one thing that stands out for me is the turkey neck. It destroys me. People don’t see what I have to see.
“What I tuck into my knickers and bra. I’m never going to be happy while I’m carrying all this skin; it makes me feel vile.”
In the documentary she is seen going to The Hospital Group and has a series of operations which sees her having 13lbs of skin removed.
On March 4 she has her bingo wings removed, on April 27 she had excess stomach flesh removed and on June 29 she had boob implants. The final operation on August 5 sees her having a facelift and eyelift.
Pre boob op
Pre boob op Discovery Communications.
But the surgery didn’t come without its problems for new mum Tina. She revealed: “I had been told not to do too much and, in spite of my mum and my husband, Paul, telling me to rest and recuperate, I was picking the baby up and I stretched my arm up and heard and felt something split.
“It was horrendous – but it was me doing too much.”
In the documentary Tina goes to Brentwood, Essex, to meet Towie star Gemma Collins.
She tells Gemma, “If you’re fat, don’t celebrate it.
“We should not celebrate fat people because it’s not healthy.
“You’re tall, you’re elegant but you’re a fat girl and while you’re a fat girl you will never be happy.”
After her operations
After her operations Discovery Communications.
Later Tina confesses: “My relationship with food has always been a difficult one. I don’t want one bag of crisps, I want six bags. I don’t want three biscuits, I want the whole packet and I’ve been like that all my life. There is no dignity in eating too much.
“Part of the weight could’ve been rebelling against my parents. I’d eat to annoy them. I never wanted my parents to come to school for parents' evening because everybody looked at them because they were so good looking. I was never a pretty kid. My parents never told me I was good looking.”
After the skin removal a happy Tina says: “I’m so much more comfortable in my skin because I have less of it to be comfortable in.
“To hear my mum say I look beautiful is amazing. She doesn’t drop compliments easy so it’s worth its weight in gold.”
Pleased Tina after surgery
Pleased Tina after surgery Discovery Communications.
Tina after all the work is complete
Tina after all the work is complete Discovery Communications.

Tina Malone: My New Body is on TLC this Thursday at 10pm

TLC is available on Sky 125, Virgin 167, BT TV 413, TalkTalk 413

3:44 PM

Baby born with two ‘noses’ Boy has two tubes growing out of his face

A BABY has been born with two tubes growing out of his face instead of a nose.

The little boy’s strange condition is caused by a rare genetic deformity called Patau syndrome that occurs once in every 10,000 to 15,000 births.

Named Angelito – which means “little angel” in Spanish – the tot is now waiting for an operation to give him a normal nose.
His parents – mum Lorena Rodriguez, 20, and an unnamed 25-year-old father - are constantly at his bedside.
The baby is awaiting surgery
The baby is awaiting surgery CEN
Angelito was transferred from his home in Nuevo Chimbote, Peru, to a hospital in the capital Lima, 300 miles away, where he will undergo an operation to treat the malformation.
The boy has been named 'little angel'
The boy has been named 'little angel' CEN
Neonatal care boss Carlos Arrestegui Ramos said: “He doesn’t have difficulty breathing now, but he will need plastic surgery.”
He added that further tests would be needed to determine how else the boy’s mutation had affected his body.
3:33 PM

Tragic teen set herself on fire after love split

A SCHOOLGIRL set herself on fire in her garden after she was dumped by her boyfriend, an inquest heard.
Devastated Rebecca Berry – known as Rebe – sent him a text saying: “I just want to say I love you for the last time, so bye.”

15-year-old Rebecca then sat in her den – a shrine to her kitten Honey – where there were tea light candles and set herself alight.

It was only when she failed to come in to watch one of her favourite TV shows I’m a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! that her family became worried.

A coroner heard she had been in a relationship with the boy – who cannot be named – for seven months but he then ended it.

Rebe tried to win him back before she started to send him suicidal messages, but he didn’t take them seriously because she had made similar threats before.

Sergeant Joe Williams said: “Rebe’s boyfriend had ended their relationship at school on the Friday, prior to her death on the Monday.

“She was in denial about this and was in tears at school, having to be taken into a classroom by a member of staff.”

Her ex-boyfriend sobbed as he said: “After we broke up she messaged me loads saying she was thinking about hurting herself.

“I blocked her quite a few times from Facebook but then she would say she was going to do something stupid so I unblocked her and tried to talk to her.

“I didn’t seriously think she was going to do anything even though she had said all this stuff about killing herself before but hadn’t actually done anything.”

Her mum Gill Scott-Taylor found her lifeless body in their garden in Edmondsham, near Verwood, Dorset, on December 1 last year.

The coroner heard she had been dead for several hours.

Her mum said: “I had been taking Rebe cups of tea earlier in the evening and she seemed fine.”

When Rebe didn’t appear, her mum said her immediate thought was that she had gone to see her ex-boyfriend.

A light was then spotted in the shrine and she added: “Something stopped me from calling out to her.

“I expected to see her kneeling or sat down but she was laid on the floor.”

Paramedic Emily Schofield said: “She had suffered chest burns, had been deceased for some time when we arrived.”

A post mortem found the schoolgirl had died from inhaling toxic fumes.

Recording a narrative verdict, Dorset coroner Sheriff Payne said he believed Rebe’s actions were a cry for help rather than suicide.

He said: “She died as a result of self-immolation but there is doubt as to whether she intended her actions to result in her death.

“It is sad for anyone to die in this manner, let alone a young girl with so much ahead of her.

“I really don’t think at the end of the day that she had thought this through.”

If there’s something troubling you, get in touch with the Samaritans for free on 116 123
3:23 PM

Flavour shares new photos of himself

3:22 PM

Teen commits suicide after man she met on Facebook assaulted her then threatened to post her naked photos online

Mercy Bundi committed suicide after a foreigner lured her through Facebook and assaulted her, the family revealed on Monday, September 28. The 19-year-old college student left a suicide note in which she named the man and gave details of where he assaulted her and why she took her life.

"The day we met was the day my problems started. He was not the man I knew on Facebook," Mercy said in her suicide note.
She said she was traumatised after the man, who identified himself to her as Marco Ritz, threatened to post her naked photos online for the whole world to see.
"He took my nude pics and told me if I say this to anyone he will sell them on the internet and say I am a prostitute, she wrote.
Mercy was too afraid to wait for that moment. On September 12, she was found dead in her bed, a bottle of poison by her side. Her Sh3,190, the suicide note and her phone were all by her side. Although she was born in Tanzania, she attended primary school in Kisii, joining Nyakach Girls High School but later transferring to St Michael’s School in Nakuru where she sat her KCSE exams in 2013. This year, she joined Bugema University in Uganda, where she died. Police are investigating the incident amid reports that there is an increase in insidious crimes that have left thousands of Kenyans suffering in silence.

Mercy joined the Facebook page, “Love beyond skin colour (white men and black women)”, where she met Marco. On September 9, he travelled to Kenya and sent money to Mercy, who was then in Kampala. Marco had claimed that he was from Trittenheim but lived in Berlicht, Germany. Mercy’s sister, Sarah Mauya Bundi, on Monday told the Nation that Mercy had travelled to Mombasa and met Marco there. She said she had warned Mercy against meeting the man and, in her suicide note, Mercy said she regretted not listening to her sister.
"As I am writing this, I cannot sit, eat or walk as normal. I am regretting not to listen to my sisters" the note continues
On the day Mercy travelled to Mombasa, Marco posted a photo on Facebook, indicating that he was at the Kinondo Poa Hotel, near the Galu Kinondo Beach. On Monday, an assistant director at the hotel, Ms Laura Nanyuli, said Marco had been to the hotel twice in April and September this year with a woman whom he described as a lawyer and model. On his last visit, she said Marco did not spend the night in the hotel.

On September 11, Mercy travelled to Nairobi and spent a night in her sister’s house in Embakasi. She could hardly walk and was in pain but when asked what was the problem, she told her sister that she was having a bad dream. In her suicide note, however, she revealed that she was sexually assaulted for two days at a Mombasa hotel. After she travelled back to Kampala, she tried to contact Marco so that he could help her pay for treatment, in vain.
"I have tried to contact him for help to treat myself, he has blocked me in everywhere. I cannot face my sister and tell them I must rest because of him" says the suicide note.
After her family was informed of her death, they flew the body to Nairobi on September 14 and reported the matter at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport police station. They also gave police a photo of the suspect, hoping that he would be arrested before he could leave the country. He wasn’t. Find attached the suicide note she left. I can't confirm the photo used.
3:20 PM

Couple from the most talked about wedding of 2014 welcome 1st baby

Remember the wedding that got everyone talking on social media last year? The one that took place at Oriental hotel between the son of multimillionaire socialite and gold merchant Shade Alesh, and daughter of top cloth merchant Morufat Kalejaiye, Joke and Azeez? (See here). Well, they just welcomed their first child. Congrats to them.
3:19 PM

Dolapo Oni to wear gorgeous Elie Saab dress for her big day

According to people in the know, the TV personality will wear a gorgeous Elie Saab dress for her white wedding to Prince Gbite Sijuwade. Elie Saab is a popular designer known around the world for dressing celebrities and members of royalty.
3:17 PM

Timipre Sylva wins Bayelsa APC governorship primary

Former Governor of Bayelsa state, Timipre Sylva has won the rescheduled Bayelsa State All Progressives Congress (APC) Governorship Election primary held in Yenagoa, the state capital today September 30th. The first party governorship primaries on September 22nd was marred by thugery and violence forcing the leadership of the party to cancel it. A rescheduled primary held today in which Sylva won. He polled a total of 981 votes out of 1147 accredited delegates.