Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Shocking moment thug launches horrific assault on a man and kicks him in the head 'like taking a penalty'

Stills from the video showing the attack happening on a road outside Aldershot Football Club. Shocking footage captures a thug launching a horrific assault on a man before kicking him in the back of the head in what a judge said was 'like taking a penalty.' Violent Liam Brannan forced the man - who he didn't know

THE shocking moment a thug viciously attacked a man before kicking him in the back of the head, leaving him fighting for his life, has been captured on CCTV footage.

Liam Brannan was on parole when he forced his unknown victim to the ground, punching him repeatedly before stamping on his head more than 10 times.

Shocking CCTV footage shows the 21-year-old being restrained by witnesses in the street before he strides up to the victim lying on the pavement and kicking him in what a judge said was 'like taking a penalty'.

Brannan admitted to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) at Winchester Crown Court, Hants.

video Judge said Liam Brannan kicking man in back of head was 'like taking a penalty' thumbnail

He sobbed loudly as he was sentenced to six and a half years jail for the attack.

The court heard that in the early hours of October 30 last year, Brannan, of Aldershot, Hants, exchanged words with Liam Crook on a road outside Aldershot Football Club.

Brannon, who has a previous conviction for assaulting a police officer, then dragged his victim to the railing on the side of the road where he began to punch him in the face and head before forcing him onto the ground.

There, he stamped on Crook’s head 13 times before witnesses managed to pull him off.

Witnesses managed to pull him off but Brannan broke free, kicking Crook in the head. 

 Less than two months after the attack, Brannan attacked another man in a takeaway food store while on bail, biting him on the face.

The thug saw an altercation between Russell Fletcher - who again he didn't know - and another customer inside the food store so decided to intervene on December 6.

Brannan swung at Mr Fletcher before putting him in a headlock and biting him on his forehead.

At Winchester Crown Court, prosecutor Edward Phillips said: "(Mr Crook) was approached by Mr Brannan and there was some exchange of words. Shortly after that, the defendant carried out a prolonged and repeated assault. Video footage really describes the assault better than any words can.

"You can see in the video the men exchange words and then...Mr Crook is forced to the ground and punched, kicked, and stamped on in the head.

"The kick after was described by witnesses as someone kicking a football.

"Mr Crook suffers from epilepsy and since the attack it has been significantly exacerbated. His fits per week have been doubled and he now has three to four a week.

"Mr Crook received a fractured eye socket from the attack and has permanent scarring on his face. He also couldn't open his eyes for four days [after the attack]."

Mr Phillips said on the second attack, Brannan consumed half a bottle of Jack Daniels whisky, nine beers and 10 Jäger Bombs - and later told police he was "10 out of 10 on the drunk scale."

In mitigation, Aleksander Lloyd, defending Brannan, said: "It's quite apparent at the time of these offences he [Brannan] was going through a difficult period.

"It's also right to say that these offences have triggered Mr Brannan and have made him take steps to look into his history and try and fix what he can.

"He has taken steps to better himself."

Sentencing Brannan, Judge Andrew Barnett said: "It has been graphically shown that you engaged in a fight and severely beat this man on the head.

"You dragged Mr Crook across the road, you punched him and literally stamped on his head a number of times.

"And then, as if that was not bad enough, you kicked Mr Crook in the back of the head like you were taking a penalty.

"People who behave like that can only be punished by a custodial sentence.

"As far as Mr Crook is concerned, he suffered cuts and bruises from the attack and had a fractured eye socket.

"The most significant thing about your mindless assault is that Mr Crook suffers from two times more fits every week."

As he was sentenced, crying Brannan, who was wearing a short-sleeved white shirt with black tie, looked to his parents, sister and girlfriend in the public gallery - who were all sobbing loudly.

Earlier in the hearing when the court was shown the footage, his family gasped in shock.

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