Friday, November 4, 2016

'KILL HER, SHE'S NOT EVEN BRITISH' Brexit blocker Gina Miller receives rape and death threats after bombshell Article 50 ruling

SICK Facebook users are targeting Brexit blocker Gina Miller, subjecting her to vicious insults and rape threats.
The 51-year-old quickly became a hate figure among some who voted for Britain to leave the European Union following yesterday’s dramatic High Court decision that threw Theresa May’s Brexit plans into chaos. 
Gina Miller seen in Westminster today after her legal challenge won yesterday
Gina Miller seen in Westminster today after her legal challenge victory yesterday
The Brexit ruling came as a shock to politicians and voters alike
Investment manager Gina Miller was born in South America and grew up in Britain
Guyana-born Ms Miller successfully led a legal challenge ensuring Parliament must be consulted before the PM can trigger Article 50 and start the formal two-year Brexit process.
Bookies have slashed their odds on a snap election next year as a result of the verdict and the government is now appealing against the decision.
However, it did not take long for social media trolls on a Facebook group called “Ukip — The peoples forum 2020” to target the legal expert after her victory.
One post read: “She’s not even British! Hope she gets loads of hate mail!!!!!”.
Another user wrote: “I hope she gets f****** killed.”
Ms Miller has also been subjected to vile rape threats in the past, with one Facebook user writing: “Who’s going to help me rape this b****? Sign up here.”
She has previously discussed the abuse she’s faced because of her role in the case.
Gina Miller outside the High Court yesterday
Gina Miller outside the High Court yesterday
Speaking to The Times last month, she said the abuse “has been horrendous … Facebook campaigns threatening me, my family, my business, my foundation.”
Speaking after the judgement outside the Royal Courts of Justice yesterday Ms Miller said: “The result today is about all of us, it’s not about me or my team. It’s about our United Kingdom and all our futures.
Ms Miller has previously worked as a model
Ms Miller has previously worked as a model
Investment manager Gina Miller pictured with husband Alan
Millionaire hedge fund manager  Gina Miller pictured with husband Alan
“It’s not about how anyone voted. Every one of us voted for the best country and the best future. This case was about process not politics.”
Ms Miller has worked as a model after studying law at university.
She then launched a career in investment and marketing.
Previously, when asked about how she felt following the Brexit referendum result, she said she was left feeling “physically sick”.
Theresa May had to call European leaders to assure them over Brexit
The ruling threatens to trigger a must-win vote in the Commons for Theresa May 
She is the lead claimant in the case backed by law firm Mishcon de Reya, which also includes Brazilian-born hairdres­ser Deir Dos Santos.
Expat Gra­h­ame Pigney — who is based in southern France — and Welsh-Italian environmental consultant Christopher Formaggia are also backing her case.
Mr Formaggia tweeted last night: “Victory against the fascist May Government.”
Meanwhile, Leave-supporting Tory MP Stephen Phillips today sensationally quit over the Government’s approach to Brexit.
Mr Phillips said he had “irreconcilable policy differences” with Theresa May over her approach to leaving the EU.

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