Thursday, November 12, 2015

11:54 PM

Jennifer Lawrence says she's lonely because men are so intimidated by her success they don't ask her out

Hunger Games star, Jennifer Lawrence has revealed she is 'lonely' and searching for a man who isn't intimidated by her success. The 25-year-old, who was named the highest-paid actress by Forbes in 2015 after earning $52m, told Vogue men are 'mean' to her in an effort to exert their 'dominance.' She says she 'can't wait to be married', but she believed her success makes finding love difficult. 
She told the magazine's December issue: 'No one ever asks me out. I am lonely every Saturday night. Guys are mean to me. I know where it's coming from, I know they're trying to establish dominance, but it hurts my feelings. I'm just a girl who wants you to be nice to me. I am straight as an arrow.' 
She's says she'll love to get married but does not need marriage to feel complete.
'I feel like I need to meet a guy, with all due respect, who has been living in Baghdad for five years who has no idea who I am.'
'I can't wait to be married,' she revealed. 'I feel like if I find that one person who I want to spend the rest of my life with, who I want to be the father of my children, that I would absolutely not f—k it up. But I'm also not banking on that.'
11:53 PM

To Nigeria's new Minister of Power, Works And Housing

Article written by Endsng's Perry Brimah. Read below...

Dear Minister Babatunde Fashola, 
As do the rest of the country, I congratulate you on your recent appointment as Nigeria's Minister or Power, Works and Housing. I wish you the best and hope pray and plan to support you to bring out the best for Nigeria and Nigerians whom you pledge and are appointed to serve. It is because we are lagging behind by decades that I write you in all urgency. 
We have no time to waste. There are just a few matters I will like to press. I am certain you have the capacity to deliver; I just wish to emphasize and stress what we need delivered.

Nigeria Has Always Been For The Rich
Nigeria has for the past 30 years, 14 years of PDP godfathers (IBB, Gusau, Abdulsalami, Dangote and co) and 16 of PDP sons (OBJ, GEJ, Dangote and co) served to provide what facilities and infrastructure it may, for the advantage of the rich and cabal and to the extortion of the poor. We have highways built by the state planned to have toll gates to tax the poor commuters. We have phone companies provided by the Obasanjo regime that tax Nigerian customers triple what their peers pay abroad. We created a cement monopoly that charges triple per bag than the world average, making it impossible for us to own our own homes. Our new cars in Nigeria are sold at above the costs in all neighboring African countries and in the West. I can go on and on.
If They Will Extort Us, We Don't Want Them
One thing is providing facilities and the other is extorting the masses with these provisions. Indeed you can provide all the infrastructure of modernity, but if these are provided as a means to covet state fiances and set traps and siphons to eternally extort the masses, then in truth the masses would rather be in darkness and without homes.

It is not poverty or the lack of power and houses that is behind Boko Haram, MEND, Ombatse and Radio Biafra and other terror organisations, no, as I have written expansively on in the past, it is Institutional Disenfranchisement: the robbing of poor Paul to feed rich peter, the impoverishing and deportation of the poor to pave wealth and comfortable accommodation for the rich that is behind the unrest. Maiduguri peoples lived in huts without power and were satisfied. Their problem did not come from the lack of, but the wickedness of the extortionist cabal.

What I am saying is; please build with 90% of the money allocated, for the poor, by the poor, with the poor and for the poor; who are the majority of Nigerians. Create opportunities for local and small business entry-level power generation so Nigerians do not have to bow to the Cabal.

How Come There Is No Public Housing In Nigeria's Large Cities?
It is a shame that across Nigeria you do not have housing for the poor. This is called "Projects," Poor or Public Housing in the US. I wrote about this in early 2014 and again to you in August of this year. Public housing is NOT "affordable housing." I am not aware of any public housing complexes in the entire large states of Nigeria like Lagos, Kano, Port Harcourt and Abuja where these are most critically needed. I may be wrong. That last such public housing complex I knew of was 1004, built decades ago.

The idea of humanity and civilization is that you cannot keep the poor far away from the centers of big cities and force them to commute for miles to wealthy paradises, to work to clean and cook and back without expecting social instability and terror. The poor must have areas where they too are accommodated in all cities for equality and fairness.

In America, in the middle of Manhattan, you have Projects. Projects are public housing complexes with government stabilized and substituted rents. You only pay rent based on your reported earnings and even live for free if you earn nothing. This is not done in the civilized world because they are wealthy, but because they understand the ABCs of society and prevention of more costly crime and terror.

Giving an example, I am not sure where the menial earners who will be working in Eko Atlantic city will reside? Are there poor housing complexes there? If not, do we plan for them to commute from out of the city to and from work every day? This would be criminally wrong. We must demolish houses within Eko Atlantic if so and raise a few Public housing complexes for moral and social progress. In Abuja and Lagos, we must demolish within rich neighborhoods to erect Public housing for the poor, otherwise our CHANGE tenure would come to an end with us only succeeding in further expanding the financial and physical distance between the wealthy and the poor.

I Don't Think There Is Anywhere To Deport Nigeria's Poor To
This is Nigeria now. There will always be poor...and there is no where to deport the poor to, unless Togo and Ghana, so we have no choice but to embrace them.
We must treat the rich and poor equally or else we are destroyed. Leviticus 19:15 "'Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly. 
"...Those who came before you were destroyed because if a rich man among them stole, they would let him off, but if a lowly person stole, they would carry out the punishment on him. By Allaah, if Faatimah Bint (daughter of) Muhammad were to steal, I would cut off her hand.” [Al-Bukhaari]

Think about the real reason why the Chibok girls have lived so `long in Sambisa; and think about the Boko Harm dead and may the Lord lead you. We will watch you and help you make Nigeria the best it can be for us all.
As you build Nigeria, please think of the poor and utilize the poor who voted for Buhari and created your path to this position. Please do not use contractors who have in the passed for instance, used 200xs the money, lets say $900,000 to build two boreholes that should not cost more than $3000.

Again, "even though you are not an engineer," I trust your capacity to deliver. Nigeria will not spoil.
God bless you and grant you success.

Dr. Peregrino Brimah; [Every Nigerian Do Something] Email: Twitter: @EveryNigerian
11:52 PM

Tinsel is set to hit your TV screens with jaw dropping moments like never before!

Your favorite African soap series Tinsel takes intrigue, suspense and drama to a whole new level! Care to find out what they have in store for you in the coming episodes? Then don't miss a single moment! Weekdays at 20:30CAT on Africa Magic Showcase DStv Ch151...the excitement never stops!

11:51 PM

There are actually people who truly feel this way...

11:49 PM

Graduate walks from Fed. Secretariat to National Assembly looking for a job (photos)

This lady was spotted yesterday walking around Abuja with that sign over and asking for a job. Decided to put it up in case anyone has a job for her. She looks like she really needs the job...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

9:14 AM

Photos: Two women who twerked against a man in a petrol station wanted by police for 3rd degree sexual abuse

Two women are being hunted by DC Metropolitan Police Department for ‘twerking’ against a man in a petrol station in Washington DC on October 7. In the YouTube video released by the police, the pair, who are accused of third degree sexual abuse, are seen touching and ‘twerking’ against the man. When he attempts to move away, one of the women continues to harass him. Police are currently offering a reward of up to £1,000 for anyone able to offer information leading to the arrest of the women. See more photos from the incident and video after the cut...

9:13 AM

Photos: Nigerian contingent to African Union standby force returns

The Nigerian Contingent of the African Union Standby Force (ASF) consisting of 41 officers and soldiers arrived the country on today after a 2week intensive training in Peace-Keeping at the South African Army Combat Training Centre in Lohatlan. Receiving the contingent on behalf of the Chief of Defence Staff Major General Abayomi Gabriel Olonisakin, Commodore Uche Onyia explained that the ASF is a unifying and standing force that has the mandate to respond to insecurity and emergency situations in African continent. Continue to see more photos...

9:11 AM

50 Cent clowns Meek Mill on stage in Stockholm

50 Cent, who is now more famous for his instagram fights than his music clowned rapper Meek Mill on stage in Stockholm, Sweden on Sunday night. He told the crowd during a performance;

“That ‘Back to Back’ sh!t was fire…that sh!t was hot…and the broke dude, the nigga that started the sh!t, he thought he was gone pick on Drake and got the sh!t slapped out of him.”
50 is referring to the infamous diss track from Drake after Meek accused him of using a ghostwriter. Meek is yet to respond! Watch the video after the cut...

9:09 AM

I have no intention whatsoever to run for any office again in Nigeria -Babangida

Former military head of state, Ibrahim Babangida says he is not interested in running for any political office in Nigeria anymore. Babangida stated this while reacting to reports that PDP is preparing grounds to field him as their presidential candidate during the 2019 election. The rumor started after PDP invited the former head of state to its re-branding conference slated for November 12th. In a statement released today, Babangida described the reports as ridiculous. The statement in part reads

"I have heard whispers from different political arenas that one of the rationales for the rebranding of PDP was to prepare me for future elections in 2019. How ridiculous! God’s willing; by 2019 I will be 78 years old. If I called it quits in 2011, why would PDP contemplate fielding a 78 years old man in a presidential election in a country that parades very vibrant men and women of lesser age? I have no intention whatsoever to run for any office again in Nigeria. I will consistently pray to Almighty Allah to grant me good health and sound mind to watch my dearest beloved country grow from strength to strength during my lifetime and beyond. I wish to make some clarifications concerning the invitation extended to me on the scheduled PDP Rebranding Conference slated for Thursday, 12 November, 2015, aimed at repositioning the party after its poor outing at the last elections. While I welcome the invitation to the event as a mark of respect as one of the founding fathers, I want to be excused on the grounds that I have long bid bye to partisan politics. Four years ago at an elaborate event at the Transcorp Hilton Hotels Abuja, I announced my retirement from partisan politics after my failed attempt to contest for President and having attained the gracious age of 70, in a society where life expectancy stands at a ridiculous 47 years. In appreciating what Allah has done for me in life, seeing me through many challenges, stabilizing me during periods of tribulations, and safeguarding me through the thick and thin of political risks, I did state at that event that Journalists would not push me around again. Attaining the age of 70 in 2011 was to me a great accomplishment for which I remain eternally grateful to Almighty Allah and my family who have shown tremendous support and encouragement throughout my political trajectory. Since 2011 till date, I have been playing my role as an elder statesman and “consultant-in-chief” to political office seekers and other like-minds who want my input in their aspirations. At 74, I feel a deep sense of fulfillment in my new role as non-partisan elder statesman and a patriot; available to all categories of persons without the burgeoning label of any political party or affiliation. I have many friends and associates in the two dominant political parties; APC and PDP, and numerous other smaller political parties. At this stage of my political journey, I want to be able to interact and socialize with them without being branded “anti-party”. It is on the score of this that I have elected to turn down this request to participate in the rebranding conference of the PDP in a partisan manner. My fulfilment in life is further bolstered by the emerging scenario that is evident in our present political reality. First, the idea of a two-party system which has always been my desire; and the stack reality that, incumbents can be defeated at various levels of election as a function of growing awareness and consciousness on the part of the electorate. These to me, present interesting dimensions in our political evolution as a country grappling with so many challenges".
9:07 AM

Photos of Obasanjo at the State House, Abuja today

The former president was at the state house earlier today where he had a closed door meeting with President Buhari. More photos after the cut...

9:06 AM

Vivica A. Fox apologizes to Soulja Boy from dragging him into he fight with 50cent

 On Sunday night, Vivica Fox came for her ex 50cent by sharing an XXL magazine featuring him and Soulja Boy and implied 50 was gay and a "booty snatcher". After Soulja Boy slammed her, Vivica took to twitter to apologize to Soulja Boy for dragging him into the mix. Her tweets after the cut...


9:05 AM

Photos: Pro-Biafran protester shot by police in Igweocha, PH

A pro-Biafran protester was allegedly shot during a protest in Igweocha in Port Harcourt today by the Nigerian military police. The protesters have been causing panic and disturbance in some parts of Port Harcourt, agitating for the Biafran state. Hope this doesn't get worse than this. More photos after the cut...

Monday, November 9, 2015

9:56 AM

Photos: A wedding inside a refugee camp in Vienna, Austria

Syrian refugee couple, Yasser and his girlfriend got married in one of the camps in Vienna, Austria. The couple's honeymoon will be in the camp. More photos after the cut...

9:56 AM

More photos from the swearing-in ceremony of INEC Chairman & his commissioners

New INEC Chairman Professor Mahmud Yakubu and 5 new commissioners were sworn in this morning. Continue to see more photos...